Introducing Sarabi

Why me, why now, why Sarabi?

Let me start with a disclaimer: I am no expert, I have no advice to give. The only qualification I have is a degree as a Junior Primary school teacher, and I have zero experience as a teacher aside from my mandatory practicals necessary to obtain the degree, and I know you’re not here to learn to read and write and do arithmetic!

So then why am I here? I am here simply in obedience to God. Since I was saved and born again at the age of twelve, I have had more than one prophecy or word spoken over me that I would write, and have a ministry to women. I believe firmly that prophecy is to shelved and not acted upon in the flesh. It serves as a confirmation for what the Holy Spirit has already begun in you, or to help you recognize God in what may happen in the future, because it was foretold. Sometimes it is edification for who you are as a child of God in order to build your faith. Therefore, despite the prophecies over the years, I let them lie, waiting on God’s timing.

So firstly, timing, why now? My husband was invited to speak at a men’s breakfast in October 2023. I was invited along. He was asked to speak during the Sunday’s church service as well, and I was invited on stage to share my experience in a few words too. After the service I was approached by a beautiful lady who shared that she believed that I was called to women’s ministry, and possibly to write a book too. At the moment of her sharing this word with me, I just had an instant download of weightiness, and even a format in which God wanted this played out. I had to face my fear of social media, start a blog and YouTube channel, linked to as many social media platforms as I could manage, and share whatever God lays on my heart.

Secondly, the name, why Sarabi? At the same Sunday service, a man approached me and asked me whether I knew what the name of Mufasa’s wife was in the movie The Lion King. I had no idea. Her name is Sarabi, but no one remembers, because she’s not a main character. However, she plays an important supporting role. When the king, Mufasa, goes out to rescue Simba, Sarabi stays at home and rules the kingdom.

I returned home with this information for a mandate. I spent time with God mulling it all over. I looked up the name ‘Sarabi’, it’s Swahili for “mirage”. An image of water that is fake, not really there. Then God highlighted the ‘B’ in Sarabi. I noticed that without the ‘B’ in place, the name turns into ‘Sarai’, Hebrew word meaning “Princess”. Therefore, if I will die to self and let the “B” (my initial, therefore “self”) fall away, I turn from mirage to princess. From a fake to a daughter of a King.

Then God gave me the symbolism of a crown of thorns out of which grows a crown of gold. the meaning of which is so beautifully encapsulated in the scripture found in Romans 8:17-18 “Now if we are children, then we are co-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

There is no way that we can make it through this life on Earth without suffering. We cannot escape it, but if we share it with Christ, as God’s children, then we get to share in His glory. How magnificent.

So all this will be, is sometimes prophetic, but mostly just me sharing my journey of suffering, because I believe we all try to live an Insta-perfect life, instead of being real about our struggles and helping one another. Because, Revelation 12:11 they overcame him *(the devil), by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. *italics added for context.